

In the coaching we will be focusing on your inner growth and development. We zoom in on your current life with possibilities and talents and look at your place in the whole. What you came to do in this world and your personal contribution. In this form of coaching I approach you from a holistic perspective and invite you to get to know yourself better, gain insight into your wishes and desires and form a picture of the direction in which you want to move in accordance with your inner knowing. Expanding your consciousness and living life inspired and in full surrender.

During the sessions I make use of various techniques such as Zen orientation, Buddhist psychology, soul work. Zen orientation focuses on being at peace with what is happening at this moment and not trying to avoid it. It examines the techniques you use to escape reality. It is not about an improved version of yourself. It's about becoming who you really are and being able to live with that.

In Buddhist Psychology the emphasis is on introspection (= self-investigation) exploring your inner world through which you get to know yourself (better). It gives you insight into your thoughts and feelings. The way you think about yourself, what words you use and what behavior you display. It gives you the opportunity to look at your inner processes, of which you might not have been aware before. Who you are is not determined by the outside world or events in your life. You are the person who can consciously choose not to become a servant of your emotions or your thoughts.

Soul work is something that arose during my work, it's about making contact with your inner knowing and from this knowing daring to live your life. Often we instinctively feel whether something is right or not and dismiss it as a fabrication. Often it is our inner knowing that lets us feel whether something is the right step or not. The inner knowing contains a wealth of knowledge and wisdom which you can access when you come closer to yourself and the chaos in the head slowly comes to a hold or when you decide to stop paying attention to it.
Then another space in yourself opens up, you learn to see/observe without identifying.



  60 minutes -   €85
  90 minutes - €115
120 minuten - €155



Interested in a appointment call us or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Review Aileen Out

"I see it as an experience which (in my eyes) everyone should have done once".